Tag: Inspirational People

From Obese to Athlete with T1D: Turning Adversity into Advantage

When the diagnosis of T1D hits, we all go through a similar chain of heavy, sometimes crushing …

Sickle Cell Activist looks to disseminate White House PMI by forming Minority Coalition

On February 25, 2016 I proudly took part of the White House Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI) Summit …

My Sister’s 7 Year Kidney Transplant Anniversary

Last night my family got together to celebrate the seven year anniversary of my sister’s kidney transplant. …

Happy Valentine’s Day

Today is Valentines Day, and most of us think happy thoughts – about love, friendship, and family. …

I am not Cancer, I am MS

I am taking off my Stupid Dumb Breast Cancer tiara to talk about something I hate admitting. …

My Diabetes Story

Monday, November 6th, 1998. That was the day I was diagnosed with Diabetes, as a 7-year-old girl. …

2015 Favourite Five

Melbourne’s mercury is currently set at 39 degrees celsius and there are no shortage of reminders that …

Five Wild Onez

Is it strange that an 18 month old little girl would drink a 16 oz. bottle bottle …

Double Diabetes

As most of us know, there are two major kinds of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. …

The Holidays

I have been a type one diabetic since the age of nine and I suffer from an eating disorder. …