Tag: Healthy Eating

The Happy Diabetic

Why was I so tired—even on vacation? Back in 1998, I noticed I wasn’t feeling like my …

Butternut Squash Soup

When it’s snowy and cold what do you crave the most? For me, it’s homemade soup.  I …

A Menu of Love

A menu of love, Play chef for your sweetie on Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is all about …

Check, Check, Check

Every time I have issues with blood sugar than span more than one day, I pretty much …

Eat This, Not That: Easy Replacements That Will Improve Your Health

5 Healthier Swaps for your Favorite Everyday Foods: Almond flaxseed burger instead of beef burger Recipe: 2 …

Buckwheat Breakfast Bowl

Buckwheat Breakfast Bowl Recipe: This yummy breakfast or even brunch dish can be prepared with normal pesto sauce …

Tofu with Panko

My kids LOVE tofu any way they can have it. But this is by far their favorite …

Snacking Smartly

The habit of snacking exists for a reason: our blood sugar gets low between meals and we …

My Diabetes Story

Monday, November 6th, 1998. That was the day I was diagnosed with Diabetes, as a 7-year-old girl. …

Vegetable Lasagna

I love all aspects of food; eating it, preparing it, educating myself about it and shopping for …