Tag: Editorial

Sickle Cell Activist looks to disseminate White House PMI by forming Minority Coalition

On February 25, 2016 I proudly took part of the White House Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI) Summit …

My Sister’s 7 Year Kidney Transplant Anniversary

Last night my family got together to celebrate the seven year anniversary of my sister’s kidney transplant. …

Doctors and Patients

When we are sick we are vulnerable and when we seek medical care we want comfort and …

2015 Favourite Five

Melbourne’s mercury is currently set at 39 degrees celsius and there are no shortage of reminders that …

Double Diabetes

As most of us know, there are two major kinds of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. …

Live Kidney Donation and Life Insurance

In June 2015, my Home and Auto insurance provider, AMICA of Rhode Island, sent me a letter …

Treating Patients for the First Time

Like most diabetics, I’ve spent my fair share of time in the doctor’s office. Sitting up in …

Emergency Care in the City – The Story of a Klutz

Last Friday, I managed to trip over my own feet, fall to the ground; all five feet …

Breaking Down Fat

Fat: good or bad?  Often blamed for weight-gain and other health issues, the truth is most fat …

Traveling with three kidneys, two pancreata, and a pacemaker!

Living life with a chronic disease is at best a daily battle, but most of us don’t …