
Ijmal Haider


Ijmal Haider is the founder of Razi Blog and co-host of the web series ‘Help Us YYC’. Both are focused around advocating the importance of mental and physical well being while dealing with Chronic and Invisible Illnesses. Ijmal was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2015. He graduated with a degree in Urban Sociology, in 2011, his love and focus has always been on the importance of community and the importance of social interactions to create unity. This has been a practice he has followed through his career and life by traveling around the world and empirically studying community and culture, and now something he is practicing to raise awareness with UC and other invisible illnesses.


How do you #turnyourlyfeon?

Working on myself is important, balancing my diet, staying active, keeping up on mental fitness helps keeping that momentum to tackle life with Chronic Illness. Never stop fighting. In life I have had to come face to face with adversity on numerous occasions, I have had to fight the odds, and I have had to prove my worth and value. For me, turning my lyfe on is no different; nobody in this world will fight harder for you than you, so never stop fighting for yourself. Part of succeeding in that fight is surrounding yourself with a community to help you #turnyourlyfeon when you feel you can’t fight anymore, shedding your life of the unnecessary negativity, and having people who will encourage you to the finish line rather than weigh you down. Some days you may lack the positivity to #turnyourlyfeon but if you have a strong enough community around you they will pick you up when you’re down and heal you when you’re weak, and forgive you when you’re broken.