Category: Chronic Illness

Our Health is in Our Habits

With a little guidance, patience, and experimentation, it is possible to know which foods are right for …

Baked Salmon & Roasted Sweet Potato

We’re excited to share this month’s cooking demo video!  In this episode we carry on the theme …

Homemade Chicken Veggie Soup

It is that time of the year.  The leaves are changing colors, there’s a chill in the …

Winter and the BUGS

Autoimmune diseases such as MS, Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis all have the basic problem …

Create Your Perfect Diet

In the struggle to eat right one of the biggest challenges is figuring out which diet to …

Starting with the Basics!

We’re excited to introduce something new in our Lyfebulb Lyfestyle series: monthly cooking demo videos! These videos …

Emergency Care in the City – The Story of a Klutz

Last Friday, I managed to trip over my own feet, fall to the ground; all five feet …

Breaking Down Fat

Fat: good or bad?  Often blamed for weight-gain and other health issues, the truth is most fat …

Traveling with three kidneys, two pancreata, and a pacemaker!

Living life with a chronic disease is at best a daily battle, but most of us don’t …

A Double Dose of Autoimmune Disorders

I have Diabetes Mellitus, a disease that affects almost every facet of my life, and it is …