
Seth Pruzansky

Mental Health
Durham, ME

At the age of 19 years old, Seth became severely addicted to heroin and other hard drugs. After three years and nine overdoses he decided he was going to get clean. After kicking this habit cold, he addressed the underlying emotional issues that spurred the addiction and never used again. That was 22 years ago. Seth Leaf Pruzansky was born with the ability to interpret profound wisdom from his soul. Throughout the course of his life he has learned how to masterfully articulate this knowing in a way that benefits those who are looking for real answers to the big questions in life.

Seth has spent countless hours in meditation since he was a child, including a “forced” and extended meditation retreat in federal prison. He has faced and survived severe opiate addiction, childhood bullying, chronic illness, financial collapse, and so many other hardships, eventually going on to thrive.

He has taken the development of his inner state and applied it successfully to the world at large through “conscious-preneurship.”

Co-owner/founder of Tourmaline Spring-the highest quality most ethically produced bottled water on earth.

Co-owner/founder of the certified organic raw food snack company Living Nutz

A soon to be published author of the book “The Fight to Enlight” and Editor of a blog dedicated to transforming human consciousness